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NEWSLETTER | March 2024

We’re on a roll. Asking for your help!

The Lobstah Bots have been on a roll! Over the past two weeks, the team has finished assembling and programming the robot, dubbed “Woodpecker,” and we have now played in both of our district competitions. With our successful performance (as you will read below), the team has qualified for the New England District Championships for the second year in a row, and we have a chance of making it to the 2024 World Championships in Houston, TX!

With this in mind, the team is aiming to raise at least $3,000 by April 10 to help cover some of our World Championship registration and robot transportation costs (should we not qualify, this money would be kept by the team for future years). We understand if you wish to wait until after the District Championships to donate, and we will update you as quickly as possible with our qualification chances after the competition (ending on April 6); we just wanted to let you know ahead of time. Your donations are greatly appreciated, and if you have any questions please don’t hesitate to ask!

Daniel David '27, Audrey Chuang '27, George Baltus '24, Luke Chang '25, Maxwell Yu '25, and Kendree Chen '25 working on the robot in between matches at the Bridgewater event.

Daniel David '27, Audrey Chuang '27, George Baltus '24, Luke Chang '25, Maxwell Yu '25, and Kendree Chen '25 working on the robot in between matches at the Bridgewater event.

Students and mentors pose for a photo after winning the Quality Award at our Bridgewater event.

Students and mentors pose for a photo after winning the Quality Award at our Bridgewater event.

Three weeks ago, the team attended our first district event in Bridgewater. After finishing the robot in the nick of time, we outperformed everyone’s expectations. In qualifications, we ranked 4th overall of 36 teams and led our 3rd-seeded playoff alliance into Sunday afternoon. We managed a couple of wins in the playoff bracket, ultimately finishing 4th in the event. The team’s effort paid off, and our simple yet effective robot design won us the Quality Award at the event, honoring the robot for its robustness in the field of play.

The robot picking up a note from the source station before returning to score at our Greater Boston (Revere) event.

The robot picking up a note from the source station before returning to score at our Greater Boston (Revere) event.

This past weekend, we attended our second district competition in Revere. After claw-ing through a tough schedule in qualifications, we were the first pick of the 5th-seeded alliance and made a good playoff run before some issues arose. As a whole, our performance was amazing, even reaching 11 notes (game pieces) scored on our own in one match (excluding autonomous scoring). At the same event, we also had the honor of receiving the Judges’ Award, which is awarded to a team that does not fit into one of the other award categories. In the words of the judges, “This team is so well rounded you’d think they're on a roll. In the last few years they’ve made a “splash” in terms of branding, recognition, and robot design. Their robot may be small, but they’re mighty in a pinch.”

In addition, our team nominated our mentor of four years Veronica Hui for the Woodie Flowers Award, honoring her for her dedication to the team. Finally, Kendree Chen '25 was one of only two students at the event awarded as a finalist for the Dean’s List Award. The award honors a sophomore or junior for being a motivating role model and displaying the most outstanding leadership and dedication towards robotics, and we are so happy to see Kendree move on to the next round at District Championships.

Drive team members George Baltus '24, Sharon Xiong '27, Kendree Chen '25, Veronica Hui (mentor), and Maxwell Yu '25 at our Greater Boston event.

Drive team members George Baltus '24, Sharon Xiong '27, Kendree Chen '25, Veronica Hui (mentor), and Maxwell Yu '25 at our Greater Boston event.

The Lobstah Bots posing for a photo after winning the Judges’ Award at our Greater Boston event.

The Lobstah Bots posing for a photo after winning the Judges’ Award at our Greater Boston event.

Every student on the team has worked incredibly hard this season and our impressive results have been well earned. New England has doubted us in the past, but we think they are coming to realize that we Lobstahs are a force to be reckoned with! If you’re interested in learning more about the robot we have built, we also want to share with you our robot documentation which we brought to our last competition: 2024 Robot Documentation.

Thank you for all your contributions! A reminder that Worlds is possible and we are raising funds starting today, so any help is appreciated! If you want to be more involved or have any questions, you can email us directly at lobstahbots@gmail.com per usual and we would be happy to respond!


The Lobstah Bots