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NEWSLETTER | March 2023

Updates From Competition Season

Over the last couple of weeks, the Lobstah Bots competed in style at both our Week 2 (Rhode Island) and Week 4 (Greater Boston) district events. Thank you to those who supported our power tool fundraising drive. We crushed our goal and raised over $3,000!

The Lobstah Bots posing by our banner at the Week 2 Rhode Island event.

The Lobstah Bots posing by our banner at the Week 2 Rhode Island event.

In our Week 2 competition at Rhode Island, the team ended qualifications on a strong note, finishing 8th out of 30 total teams. We were the captains of the 6th seed alliance and competed alongside teams 1153 and 1350 in the playoffs. While luck did not go our way in the playoffs, everyone was very happy with our weekend’s results.

Our Week 4 playoff alliance robots (Team 246 Lobstah Bots in the middle) after making a triple climb onto the charge station at the end of a match.

Our Week 4 playoff alliance robots (Team 246 Lobstah Bots in the middle) after making a triple climb onto the charge station at the end of a match.

At our Greater Boston event, the team ended qualifications strong yet again, placing 11th out of 40 teams. In playoff selection, the team was the first pick of 7th alliance captain, team 2877, and subsequently chose team 238 as the 2nd pick. In the playoffs, the team performed exceedingly well. Our alliance upset the 2nd and 3rd seed before moving on to the semi-finals where we ended up beating the 3rd seed alliance again to move onto the finals. In the final matchup, the team gave its best effort and placed 2nd overall at the event. In addition, the team won the FIRST® Quality Award, which honors the team with the robot that displays the most “machine robustness in concept and fabrication.”

This was the team’s first award since 2019 and the first year our team has been Finalists since 2015. With these results, the Lobstah Bots are guaranteed to qualify for District Championships in Springfield next week! (April 5-8).

The Lobstah Bots were all awarded silver medals at our Greater Boston event. Our team was also given two trophies for being finalists and winning the Quality Award. Our drive team (pictured top left) features George '24, Owen '25, Maxwell '25, Kendree '25, and our drive coach Veronica (Mentor).

The Lobstah Bots were all awarded silver medals at our Greater Boston event. Our team was also given two trophies for being finalists and winning the Quality Award. Our drive team (pictured top left) features George '24, Owen '25, Maxwell '25, Kendree '25, and our drive coach Veronica (Mentor).

We are extremely proud of what we have been able to accomplish this season, and it was made possible by a true full team effort. Students, mentors, parents, and donors have helped us tremendously this year. We cannot wait to continue our strong season at District Championships! The event will likely be livestreamed on twitch.tv/nefirst_red and twitch.tv/nefirst_blue – so you can follow along from home!

Our robot taking a cone across the field at the Week 4 Greater Boston event.

Our robot taking a cone across the field at the Week 4 Greater Boston event.

Thank you for all your contributions! If you want to be get involved or have any questions, you can email us at lobstahbots@gmail.com and we would be happy to respond!


The Lobstah Bots