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NEWSLETTER | April 2023

Greetings from District Championships!

Two weeks ago the Lobstah Bots traveled to Springfield to compete in the FIRST® New England District Championships. Though we were placed in the hardest division and given a tough set of matches, we were able to finish 24th out of the 45 teams. While we did not get selected for the playoffs, the team still enjoyed an amazing time during qualifications and watching the intense elimination and finals matches.

The Lobstah Bots completing a triple balance during the endgame to win one of our qualification matches.

The Lobstah Bots completing a triple balance during the endgame to win one of our qualification matches.

The team on Saturday getting ready to watch exciting finals matches together.

The team on Saturday getting ready to watch exciting finals matches together.

This was our first appearance at District Championships since 2016, and it was truly a full team effort that got us there. As our season comes to a close, we could not be more proud of every student’s hard work and dedication to the team this year. Not to mention the immeasurable contributions from all of our mentors who have given the team so much time and help this season.

Looking forward, the team plans to continue competing at offseason events this summer and fall, so stay tuned for more updates! We are looking forward to displaying our robot and sharing our experience with many students at Fenway Park’s STEM event today (April 20).

Driver George '24 and operator Maxwell '25 placing a cone on the high node during one of our qualification matches.

Driver George '24 and operator Maxwell '25 placing a cone on the high node during one of our qualification matches.

This season would not have been possible without all of the generous support from our sponsors, parents, and alumni. Your continued contributions have helped the team in so many ways this season. From donations, Saturday dinners, endless carpooling help, our recent tool fundraising drive, and more, we are so grateful.

The Lobstah Bots driving up the charge station to balance with teammates at the end of a qualification match.

The Lobstah Bots driving up the charge station to balance with teammates at the end of a qualification match.

Veronica (Mentor), George '24, Maxwell '25, Kendree '25, and Owen '25 posed for a photo with our robot by the Llama sign. Our robot this year was named “Llama," so this photo was rather fitting.

Veronica (Mentor), George '24, Maxwell '25, Kendree '25, and Owen '25 posed for a photo with our robot by the Llama sign. We had already named our robot “Llama," so this photo was rather fitting.

If you want to get involved or have any questions, you can email us at lobstahbots@gmail.com and we would be happy to respond.



The Lobstah Bots