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NEWSLETTER | October 2024

Merrimack, Roboboston, and the CSF Carnival

2, 4, 6…and we’re a go! The Lobstah Bots welcomed our new members this October with our Fall Welcome Party. We’ve had over forty new student signups, and trainings are in full swing! We are so excited to get our new members introduced to the world of robotics this fall.

Earlier this September, the team took a trip up to Merrimack, New Hampshire to compete in the Mayhem in Merrimack offseason event. New driver candidates tried out, pits crew ran a smooth operation, and everyone on the team was super excited to get back into the robotics groove! We were delighted to partner with our friends Team 1153, Timberwolves, Team 1058, PVC Pirates, and Team 8708, 0v3R1y K0Mp13X, as part of the fourth seeded alliance.

Teddy Shi ‘27, Sharon Xiong ‘27, and Maxwell Yu ‘25 line up the robot for a shot during playoffs

Teddy Shi ‘27, Sharon Xiong ‘27, and Maxwell Yu ‘25 line up the robot for a shot during playoffs

On Saturday, September 28th, the team attended RoboBoston in Seaport. Hosted by MassRobotics, the largest robotics incubator space in the United States, the event featured a robot parade, various expositions, raffles, and games. Our robot took part in the robot parade alongside robotics teams and companies from all over Massachusetts. We got to show off our robot to the public: driving around, playing games, and introducing many young kids to the exciting world of robotics! We also got to check out tons of the other fun and cutting-edge exhibits at RoboBoston: from Boston Dynamic’s Spot the robot dog to MITRE’s underwater robots, there were plenty of activities to explore.

The team poses for a photo with the robot before the robot parade

The team poses for a photo with the robot before the robot parade

Our robot plays a game with another FRC team in front of a crowd at RoboBoston

Our robot plays a game with another FRC team in front of a crowd at RoboBoston

On the very next day, September 29th, we participated in the STEM exposition at the Cambridge Science Festival! Hosted by the city of Cambridge and MIT, the Festival attracts over 30,000 attendees yearly. We got to help kids play ring toss with our robot, Woodpecker, and our rainbow LEDs were a smash hit! In addition to introducing crowds to the technical and non-technical sides of robotics, we also got to explore a vast range of the neighboring exhibits at the Festival, from liquid nitrogen ice cream to extracting DNA from bananas.

Kids play catch with our robot at the Cambridge Science Festival Carnival

Kids play catch with our robot at the Cambridge Science Festival Carnival

As the fall starts, we are gearing up to dive deep into trainings, making sure all our members are ready to push for success in the 2025 season!

Coco Shen ‘27 and Kendree Chen ‘25 leading electrical trainings for our new students. (Spot the retro Overclocked shirt cameo!)

Coco Shen ‘27 and Kendree Chen ‘25 leading electrical trainings for our new students. (Spot the retro Overclocked shirt cameo!)

We’re excited for a clawsome 2024-2025 season! Thank you for all your support so far, and we’re excited to keep sharing our progress throughout this year! If you want to be more involved or have any questions, you can email us at lobstahbots@gmail.com and we would be happy to respond! Feel free to also check out our student-coded website lobstahbots.com or our instagram @burobotics246.


The Lobstah Bots